Wednesday 20 July 2011

What Makeup Brushes You Need for Emo Makeup

What Makeup Brushes You Need for Emo Makeup
When it comes to emo makeup, you can do it two different ways: elegantly, or not so elegantly. Makeup brushes help. This is true in almost all cases. But you may be wondering—what makeup brushes do I need? What ones work the best?
First of all, you don’t need a really expensive makeup brush, unless you want it. Drugstore brushes work just as well as many of the more expensive ones. It’s up to you, but it would probably be better to go with cheaper brushes when you first start using them and slowly graduate upwards. What brushes you need depends on what you are going to wear.
First of all, you need cosmetic sponges. Cosmetic sponges are normally disposable and are very inexpensive. Do not reuse them, whatever you do! Not only will you risk spreading more bacteria onto your face, but it can also contaminate your makeup and put bacteria into that which can cause you to break out as well.

For face powder, get a kabuki brush. These leave a really nice, almost natural finish. Wet and Wild makes a nice one that you can find at your local drugstore. Make sure that you only use a little bit of powder at a time—you don’t need much.
Next, get a lip brush or use an applicator. Do not share lip products.
It is a good idea to have a spooly around if you use mascara. Sometimes you may find that you’ll get clumps and other problems with your mascara—the best way to get rid of it is by using the spooly to separate your lashes. It’s also a lot safer than using a safety pin.
The next thing is to buy an eyeshadow brush. Wal-Mart makes a good one that you can use for pretty much everything. You also may want to invest in an eyeliner brush also.

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