Wednesday 20 July 2011

Emo in the Media: Stereotypes

Emo in the Media: Stereotypes
If you have heard about emos before or popped into an emo chatroom, then the chances are that you have heard not only one but several stereotypes of emo kids. The question is, what stereotypes are floating around?
You first have to look at emo in the media. For example, the Emo Kid song. This song might seem hilarious (really, it is) but the problem is that a lot of kids actually believe this! But, as with any clique or any lifestyle, there are certain things that just aren’t true.

1. All emos are bisexual. This is a common misconception. Most emo girls and guys are straight, have a boyfriend or girlfriend respectively, or aren’t as open about their bisexuality or their sexuality in general. One thing to remember is that a guy or gal that is constantly kissing on someone of their own gender and running around talking about how “bi” they are…are probably just trying to fit the trend or just want attention. Sexuality is no reason to run around like a fool kissing everyone.
2. Emos only talk about death and how much their life sucks. This also is a huge misconception. Not all emos are like this—those who are, in most cases, are simply poseurs or, as stated above, looking for attention. The point is, don’t follow the stereotypes.
These are the two main things that are misconstrued, especially in the media. In other contexts, they are usually not a problem.

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